1. Cancel
Go to [QSM]>[Cancel&Non-Receipt]>[Claim Status] and click [Cancelling]. Search for the claim you were looking for and approve cancel. For the orders that have not been confirmed by the seller, they will be automatically cancelled without seller's approval.
If the product has been already shipped, the buyer will pay for the return shipping. However, orders that have been cancelled because of the seller's circumstances, the seller will pay for the return shipping.
Also please notice the buyers beforehand if they are purchasing goods you are trying to cancel.
2. Return
Go to [QSM]>[Cancel&Non-Receipt]>[Claim Status] and click [Returning]. If there is request for return, please fill in the form as needed. After completion, click the 'Return request' button.
If the problem of payment for return shipping is not settled or the product can't be returned because it's damaged, please contact your customer about it.
Press the Pickedup/Refund button if the payment for return shipping is payed or problem for shipping is cleared.