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It is difficult to assemble the brake part. I ended up going to a local bike shop. There is nothing wrong with the product.
It was OKNov 13, 2023I bought a 16-inch in the past, but as my child grows up, the bike gets smaller, so I bought it to replace it. Shipping is large, so if you wait with enough time, you can receive it in about a week. The packaging seems to have improved a bit too. The box packing banding was tighter than before. And there were some differences from before, such as the pedals, handlebars, and brake levers. Overall, I think it has been changed to be a little harder and more solid. Tires have been changed to non-printed ones, and training wheels have been changed from plastic to urethane wheels. The quality of welding and painting seem to have improved a little more than before. The color is pretty and overall I am satisfied. For reference, think that the brakes are packaged in a pre-assembled state for easy assembly, and be sure to adjust and use them.
Loved itJul 09, 2023The brake fixing part seems a little weak, but it is fixed to some extent. It was difficult because the assembly instructions were not detailed. Oh, and the thread is weak, so you have to apply less force than the specified torque.
It was OKMay 11, 2023검색 결과
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